Possible scientific basis for Tandem Point therapy and acupuncture
for pain relief
Robert Becker, the orthopedic surgeon and researcher
who developed the technique for healing broken bones with electricity,
has theorized that acupuncture meridians are electrical conductors
that carry messages to the brain.
He writes in The Body Electric: "Any current
grows weaker with distance, due to resistance along the transmission
cable. The smaller the amperage and voltage, the faster the current
dies out. Electrical engineers solve this problem by building booster
amplifiers ever so often along a power line to get the signal back
up to strength. For currents measured in nanoamperes and microvolts
[like the current in the human body], the amplifiers would have
to be no more than a few inches apart, just like acupuncture points!
I envisioned hundreds of little DC generators like dark stars sending
their electricity along the meridians, an interior galaxy that the
Chinese had somehow found and explored by trial and error over two
thousand years ago."
To develop a test for his theory, he realized that
"if the lines and points really were conductors and amplifiers,
the skin above them would show specific electrical differences compared
to the surrounding skin. Resistance would be less and electrical
conductivity correspondingly great, and a DC power source should
be detectable right at the point."
Using grant funds raised by Becker, biophysicist
Maria Reichmanis tested the Large Intestine and Pericardium channels
on the arm, and "found the predicted electrical characteristics
at half of the points. Most important, the same points showed up
on all the people tested. . . . Our readings also indicated that
the meridians were conducting current, and its polarity . . . showed
a flow into the central nervous system [similar to the polarity
in the sinew channels: toward the head]. Each point was positive
compared to its environs, and each one had a field surrounding it
with its own characteristic field. We even found a fifteen-minute
rhythm in the current strength at the points, superimposed on the
circadian ('about a day') rhythm we'd found a decade earlier in
the overall DC system."(10) Chinese medicine
texts also teach that the body's native energy circulates in a 24-hour
Adding Becker's findings to other key research on
trigger points, collagen and acupuncture, we know that
- trigger points are electrically different from the surrounding
- there is a 71% correspondence between published locations of
trigger points and classical acupuncture points for the relief
of pain(12)
- acupuncture points typically represent local maxima in conductance,
elevated by a factor of 10 to 100(13)
- acupuncture meridians have the characteristics of electrical
transmission lines(10)
- collagen in connective tissue, which reaches every cell in the
body, can act as a semi-conductor(13)
- collagen is liquid crystalline in structure(13)
- in response to pressure, collagen will produce electricity through
the piezoelectric effect(15)
- collagen in dilute solution "melts" at 40 degrees C; melting
may enable the collagen fibers to better realign and hence increase
- bound water surrounding collagen fibers can serve as a vehicle
for proton-jump conduction(13)
- proton-jump conduction is much faster than conduction of electrical
signals by the nerves(13)
- the conductivity of collagen increases strongly with the amount
of water absorbed(13)
From the experience of Tandem Point therapy, we know
- patient hydration is critical: patients will not get a good
result if they are dehydrated or if they have just finished a
long plane flight
- patients need to drink water throughout a session, or trigger
point release will slow down and stop
- patients who drink water while trigger and tandem points are
being held experience a much faster release of the trigger point
[this phenomenon has reproducibly occurred during my experience
of Rolfing(TM) and microcurrent therapy
as well]
- electrolyte-deficient patients obtain suboptimal results
- points will not release when patients hold their breath
- immediately after an effective tandem point is pressed, there
will be jump in the amplitude of the pulsation in the trigger
- heat is frequently generated in trigger points and tandem points
as trigger points release
The common experience of heat is particularly intriguing. Especially
when a release involves a muscle in severe contracture, the clinician
will feel heat in the trigger point and the tandem points. Some
patients will notice the heat release when a trigger point releases
quickly. Patients describe heat releases as a "hot flash," a "flush,"
a "flow of heat." Sometimes patients will report that a heat release
will be felt all over the body, sometimes in the face, sometimes
on one-half of the body, sometimes in "rivers" flowing up and down
from the trigger point. This quantity of heat seems in excess of
what might be expected from just the piezoelectric effect. The often-reproduced
experience of heat during Tandem Point therapy suggests that there
is excess energy in a trigger point and frequently that energy is
released as heat when a trigger point is released.
[Question: That is consistent with the qi model, right? Answer:
Also, Travell and Simons write about factors that perpetuate myofascial
trigger points: "In patients with chronic myofascial pain, attention
to perpetuating factors often spells the difference between successful
and failed therapy." Perpetuating factors include mechanical stresses,
nutritional inadequacies, and metabolic and endocrine inadequacies.(14)
The experience of Tandem Point therapy has shown me that the 5000-year-old
Chinese medical description of energy circulation has clinical validity.
The research of Becker and others convinces me that this energy
is electrical in nature. I have come to believe that a blockage
in an acupuncture channel containing a myofascial trigger point
is a perpetuating factor for the trigger point. Where a blockage
exists, it is much more difficult to release the trigger point,
and the referred pain seems to recur more quickly. In practice,
when a trigger point is not releasing quickly, I seek out the blockage
in the acupuncture channel, and when that blockage has been released,
the trigger point will release. You will observe next week that
Mark Seem also releases blockages in the relevant channels, even
those distant from the trigger point in question.
It appears that some of the body's electrical energy circulates
along connective tissue, along fascia, and that more energy circulates
where fascia is thickest, along lines of strain in the human body.
Tom Myers, a Rolfing educator and author, writes and teaches about
what he calls "anatomy trains" or "myofascial meridians," which
are lines of strain in the body following chains of muscle and fascia,
and therefore collagen.(16) What immediately
jumped out of his entirely western analysis was that his three most
superficial lines of strain correspond quite closely with the three
major external channels of Chinese medicine, the Stomach, Gall Bladder,
and Bladder, which Tandem Point therapy uses most frequently. His
analysis provides some additional justification for looking at the
routes of meridians along collagen fibers.
I theorize that the critical factor in the perpetuation of a trigger
point is its storage of excess electrical energy, and unless that
energy is dispersed, the trigger point will not release. I theorize
that this electrical disturbance prevents the entrance of water,
ions, and oxygen into the trigger point. Perhaps muscle filaments
require water, electrolytes, and oxygen to achieve full length and
smooth function, and without the water, electrolytes, and oxygen,
the filaments maintain a contraction knot, and the surrounding collagen
fibers remain "kinked."
Insertion of a single needle may serve to disperse electrical
energy along the needle. Simultaneous insertion of multiple needles
may additionally serve to stimulate energy circulation. Acupressure
to a single point may stress the point via the piezoelectric effect
and lead to some slow, local dispersal of energy.
But multiple-point acupressure has great advantages. With acupressure
to two points, a clinician can use the piezoelectric effect to stimulate
energy movement along a circuit, to disperse or balance electrical
energy between the two points. Recall that like trigger points,
acupuncture points are electrically different from their surrounding
tissue. If there is an electrical potential between a trigger point
and an acupuncture point and an unblocked pathway between those
points, then pressure to the two points seems to allow the electrical
energy in the two points to equalize.
Based on the importance of hydration to Tandem Point therapy,
it appears that the pathway of the circuit is bound water surrounding
collagen molecules and that the electrical potential between two
points is eliminated by the flow of protons along that bound water.
Recall that proton flow along bound water is extremely fast, faster
than electrical flow along neurons. This speed seems to coincide
with the virtually immediate jump in the pulsation of a trigger
point when a tandem point is stimulated. But the full release of
the trigger point usually takes at least ten seconds longer, sometimes
more than a minute, suggesting that some particles much larger than
protons are more slowly migrating into the trigger point, namely
water molecules and electrolytes (my thanks to James Oschman for
this suggestion).
Recall that patient breathing is also critical to the success
of Tandem Point therapy and that Simons found an oxygen deficiency
in trigger points. Again, it appears that the resolution of a trigger
point requires water, electrolytes, and oxygen.
Acupressure may be a better approach than needle treatments because
the heat created by the pressure and the heat released during in
trigger point release, combined with the patient stretching through
the trigger point, allow collagen to melt and then lengthen at the
precise location of a myofascial restriction. An acupressure approach
allows a clinician to work on a muscle while it is in a stretched
position, therefore the clinician can locate and address muscle
restrictions that are not apparent when the muscle is shortened.
Acupressure allows a clinician to address a dozen restrictions in
one muscle in five minutes. And acupressure allows a clinician to
release trigger points in a dozen muscles, agonists and antagonists,
all in one session.
Acupressure has disadvantages, too. It is stressful to the hands
of the clinician. It requires more direct attention on the part
of the clinician, so that the clinician can treat fewer patients
in a set time period with acupressure than acupuncture, for example.
It requires outstanding palpation skills. It is inappropriate for
the weak or ill patient.
If the theory above is correct, then it is likely that what improves
patient results in acupressure therapy also would improve patient
results for other muscle therapy modalities. Practitioners of acupuncture,
physical therapy, massage, or Rolfing(TM),
or even orthopedic surgeons, might encourage their patients to breathe
deeply, to drink more water and consume more electrolytes before
treatment and discourage them from scheduling appointments after
an airplane flight.
P.O. Box 1023, Haddonfield, NJ 08033