Proposed clinical trial of Tandem Point therapy for iliopsoas syndrome
40 subjects, randomly assigned to test and control
groups, who meet symptoms and signs noted above (exclude patients
with referred pain patterns that are not consistent with iliospsoas
syndrome). Subjects have no illness or fatigue patterns. All subjects
prepare for the session with consumption of protein, water, no exercise,
no flying.
Test subjects receive one hour of Tandem Point therapy
for psoas major syndrome. Control group subjects receive one hour
of Swedish massage, based on the protocol used for clinical trials
at the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute. Practitioners
treating control group subjects need not be told that they are treating
control group subjects, that is, they could be told that the test
is of the effectiveness of Swedish massage for low back pain.
All subjects are instructed to drink 2 quarts of water
for two days following treatment. No vigorous exercise for 48 hours,
that is, nothing more strenuous than a one-hour walk without weights.
Subjects are further instructed to stretch the psoas muscles twice
daily for 30 seconds each side, throughout the month following the
session. Subjects are prohibited from doing sit-ups or other abdominal
muscle strengthening exercises for the month.
Test for: Hip extension per Measurement of Joint Motion
by Norkin and White. Self-reported pain on the visual analogue scale.
In my practice, more hip extension correlates with less pain, and
30 degrees or more of hip extension is usually associated with no
lumbar pain. Test at the beginning and end of session and one month
after the session.

P.O. Box 1023, Haddonfield, NJ 08033