Acupuncture theory
Mark Seem, the author of four books on acupuncture,
will be speaking to you next week. So it would be inappropriate
for me to lecture extensively on acupuncture today. That is especially
true given the similarities between my work and his, in that we
both combine treatment of trigger points and classical acupuncture
points, and we also both work to clear blocked acupuncture channels.
I cannot express the validation I felt when I found Dr. Seem's books,
because working independently we had identified similar approaches
to addressing myofascial pain.
Nevertheless, I am to speak first, and there are
some things that you need to know about acupuncture to understand
Tandem Point therapy.
Underlying acupuncture theory is the concept that
circulating in the body is a native energy, called "qi" by practitioners.
That energy circulates in many cross-linked channels, eventually
reaching every cell. Some of these channels carry much energy, some
less, much as we have a road system in the U.S.A. that incorporates
large-capacity super-highways and small gravel roads but which eventually
reaches every home in the country. The ancient Chinese used the
analogy of rivers, tributaries, irrigation channels, and reservoirs,
rather than roads. This analogy incorporates the concept that there
is a prevailing direction of energy flow (except for the reservoirs),
as water flows downhill. Many people experience a feeling of energy
flowing as a result of acupuncture and as a result of Tandem Point
The application of electricity stimulates these channels,
again providing some insight into the nature of "qi."
There are a large number of different channels. From
the most superficial to the deepest, the types of channels include
- cutaneous regions
- minute collaterals
- sinew channels
- luo-connecting channels
- primary channels
- divergent channels
- extraordinary channels
- deep pathways of the primary and divergent channels(3)
Two months ago you heard James Oschman describe how connective
tissue reaches every cell in the body. I believe that at least some
acupuncture channels occur along connective tissue pathways, and
I will provide later a theory to explain how "qi" might move along
such pathways.
P.O. Box 1023, Haddonfield, NJ 08033