Appointments with Rena Margulis are $90 for a 50-minute session in New Jersey, $120 in California. Rena Margulis is sometimes assisted by student apprentices, as Tandem Point therapy is faster when more points can be held at the same time. Apprentices are not paid, and they do not pay for this training that will enable them to help others in the future.
If your company allows you to set aside pre-tax funds for non-reimbursed medical expenses, these funds can be applied to Tandem Point Therapy. Rena will provide you a receipt so you may be reimbursed from your account.
Products For Sale
Rena Margulis sells the following products, not readily available in Southern New Jersey, to clients in her Haddonfield office.
Ellen’s Epiphany Essential Scar Blend, 10 ml, $10. Based on Jeffrey Yuen’s formula, this blend of helichrysum, clary sage and bay laurel essential oils in a base of safflower oil is highly recommended for home treatment of scar tissue. Sold with detailed written instructions. Not appropriate for individuals with sunflower or safflower allergies.
White Flower Analgesic Balm, Red Label, 0.34 oz, $5. Chinese medicine first aid for acute musculoskeletal pain. Especially recommended for athletes, but as anyone can be injured, it is an excellent product for any medicine cabinet. Rena does not travel without this product. Contains menthol, which may interfere with homeopathic remedies. It is available on-line from Fubao Health Store for $3.94 plus $6.95 shipping.
Essential pH Plus Liquid Enhancer, 2 oz, $20. One prominent theory explaining declining American health, outlined in The Chemistry of Success by Susan Lark, M.D. and many other books, is that our modern low-vegetable diet makes our bodies far more acidic than the diet humans evolved eating, and as a result many Americans have acidity-related health problems, including (a) more respiratory illness such as influenza, (b) more pain and stiffness upon awakening in the morning, (c) more fatigue, and (d) more urinary frequency and urgency (because the urine is too acidic). Notably, research conducted at the National Institutes of Health has shown that myofascial trigger points are low in pH (acidic), and that individuals with active trigger points have low pH in uninvolved muscle tissue as well. According to this theory, the best option to prevent and treat acidity-related problems is to eat a diet with no processed foods, very few meats, and large amounts of fresh vegetables: individuals who consume such a diet do not need this product. Among non-diet solutions to an acid-forming diet, this product may be the most affordable. Especially recommended for women over 40 who awaken to go to the bathroom more than twice a night (Rena offers a money-back guarantee that taking this product will reduce nighttime bathroom visits to two or less per night). Contains sodium. It is available on-line from Water & Air Essentials for $20.40 plus $10 shipping: please identify Rena Margulis in the “Referred by” box.
P.O. Box 1023, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 |